Foot and Mouth Disease
By Karabo Marifi
In a concerted effort to address the recent outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in the Kouga and Kou-Kamma Municipalities, the Department of Agriculture has announced the formation of three working groups. These groups, comprising representatives from the Department of Agriculture, provincial authorities, and industry stakeholders, aim to strengthen cooperation and streamline efforts to contain and ultimately eradicate the disease.
Progress in Containing the Outbreak
The Department of Agriculture has reported promising progress in managing the outbreak, noting that the rate of new FMD cases has begun to decline. The last clinical case was reported in mid-July 2024, signalling a potential turning point in the battle against this highly contagious disease.
“As of now, cattle on 30 farms have tested positive for FMD. These farms have been placed under quarantine, and vaccination efforts are underway to control the spread of infection and reduce the severity of clinical symptoms,” the department stated.
In addition to treating infected farms, the department has implemented pre-emptive vaccination on 37 farms identified as high-risk due to their proximity to affected areas. This strategic measure aims to create a buffer zone around the affected farms, limiting the potential spread of the disease.
Vaccination Efforts
To date, more than 92,000 cattle and nearly 600 sheep across 67 farms have been vaccinated as part of the department’s comprehensive strategy to manage and eventually eradicate FMD. These efforts underscore the department’s commitment to protecting South Africa’s livestock industry and the livelihoods of farmers in the Eastern Cape.
Disease Management Area Declared
To further prevent the spread of FMD, the Department of Agriculture declared a Disease Management Area (DMA) on 19 July 2024. This DMA covers parts of the Kouga and Kou-Kamma Municipalities and serves to regulate the movement of animals into, out of, and within the affected regions. The primary objectives of the DMA are to prevent the spread of the disease to unaffected areas and to reduce the viral load within the current outbreak zone.
“The Director of Animal Health has signed and published the movement protocol for the DMA. The protocol is available on the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform, and Rural Development (DALRRD) and the Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform (DRDAR) websites. Copies can also be requested from AgriEC,” the department confirmed.
Addressing Misleading Information
The department has also addressed misleading claims that FMD can be transmitted by birds and rodents. While acknowledging the theoretical possibility of such transmission, the department clarified that it is highly unlikely to be a significant factor in the current outbreak.
“Effective biosecurity—focused on preventing direct and indirect contact of susceptible animals and rigorous cleaning and disinfection practices—remains the most reliable method for preventing the introduction and spread of FMD on farms,” the department emphasised.
Compliance and Legal Obligations
Livestock owners are reminded of their legal obligations under Section 11 of the Animal Diseases Act, 1984 (Act No. 35 of 1984), which requires them to take all reasonable steps to prevent disease infection and its spread. The department also stressed the importance of health declarations for the movement of susceptible animals, as well as the isolation of new arrivals from resident herds for at least 28 days.
“Farmers are reminded that it is a legal obligation to report any suspicious clinical symptoms, such as salivation, blisters in the mouth, limping, or hoof lesions, to the local State Veterinarian immediately. Affected animals must not be moved,” the department warned.
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