The Tax Ombud helps recover millions in overdue refunds from SARS

by centra
SARS and Treasury invites the Public to Comment on the 2021 Draft Tax Bills Tax Ombudsman

Tax Ombud / Sars

The Office of the Tax Ombud (OTO) has proven to be a valuable asset in resolving taxpayer complaints and securing refunds from the South African Revenue Services (SARS). In a recent case, the OTO intervened in a complaint regarding SARS’ delay in finalizing a taxpayer’s verification of the 03/2023 value-added tax (VAT) declaration, which resulted in a refund of R5 398 613.44.

Despite the taxpayer’s prompt submission of supporting documentation, SARS failed to expedite the verification process within the mandated 21 business days, prompting the taxpayer to seek the OTO’s assistance. Following the OTO’s intervention, SARS was directed to promptly finalize the verification and pay out the owed refund with interest, if applicable.

After months of delays, the verification was ultimately completed, and a refund of R4 255 398.20 was paid to the taxpayer, accompanied by interest of R135 152.62. The OTO explained that SARS is required to pay interest at a prescribed rate on overdue VAT refunds, with certain exceptions for incomplete or defective returns, requests for additional information, and lack of confirmed banking details.

The OTO emphasized the importance of taxpayers promptly complying with SARS’s requests, while also highlighting the organization’s free services and ongoing impact in resolving tax-related complaints against SARS.


SARS temporarily Close Its Tax Branches for Physical Visits

SARS temporarily Close Its Tax Branches for Physical Visits


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