Two suspects, Obakeng Segwabe, 19, and Olebogeng Mafora, 21, were remanded in custody after appearing before the Lehurutshe Magistrate’s Court on Monday to face charges in connection with five separate murder cases.
The accused were initially arrested for the murder of two people after human skeletal remains were found in plastic in the bushes near Mosweu village. However, further investigations linked them to three decomposed bodies that were discovered between December 2023 and January 2024. The deceased were part of a group of boys at an initiation school.
The police added three additional charges of murder, and the accused are expected to reappear in court on Tuesday, 23 January 2024, for a bail application.
Investigations, including the identification of the bodies through DNA, are underway, and the deceased’s names will only be confirmed after that process.
In addition, Koketso Mmutlane, 19, was also arrested for defeating the ends of justice. He allegedly influenced Segwabe and Mafora to lie about the legality of the initiation school and its activities, including the deaths. Mmutlane appeared in court on Monday and is expected to appear before the same court again on Friday, 09 February 2024, after being released on warning.
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