By Phenyo Selinda
The Special Tribunal has dismissed, with costs, an exception application raised by Pro Secure (Pty) Ltd regarding the procurement of personal protective equipment (PPE) by the Limpopo Department of Health during the COVID-19 pandemic. This decision follows an investigation by the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) into PPE procurement contracts worth approximately R182 million, in which Pro Secure was a service provider.
Investigation Uncovers Irregularities
The SIU’s investigation revealed significant irregularities in the appointment of service providers, including Pro Secure (Pty) Ltd, Clinipro (Pty) Ltd, and Ndia Business Trading (Pty) Ltd, for the supply and delivery of PPE. These irregularities resulted in approximately R182 million in irregular and/or fruitless and wasteful expenditure by the Limpopo Department of Health.
“This ruling supports the SIU’s stance on the irregular procurement of PPE by the Limpopo Department of Health during the pandemic. The SIU’s investigation uncovered irregularities in the appointment of service providers such as Pro Secure (Pty) Ltd, Clinipro (Pty) Ltd, and Ndia Business Trading (Pty) Ltd for the supply and delivery of PPE, resulting in approximately R182 million in irregular and/or fruitless and wasteful expenditure by the department,” the SIU said in a statement.
Presidential Proclamation and SIU Mandate
The investigation was initiated following a proclamation by President Cyril Ramaphosa, which authorised the SIU to probe allegations of corruption, maladministration, malpractice, and payments by state institutions related to PPE procurement during the pandemic. The SIU is empowered to institute civil action in the High Court or a Special Tribunal to address any wrongdoing uncovered during its investigations related to acts of corruption, fraud, or maladministration.
“The SIU is also empowered to institute civil action in the High Court or a Special Tribunal in its name to address any wrongdoing uncovered during investigations related to acts of corruption, fraud, or maladministration. In line with the Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals Act 74 of 1996, the SIU refers any evidence of criminal conduct it uncovers to the National Prosecuting Authority for further action,” the SIU statement said.
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