South African Weather Service Warns of Widespread Heavy Rain

by centra
South African Weather Service warns of cold weather conditions

South African Weather Service

The South African Weather Service (SAWS) has issued a warning of widespread heavy rain in the coming days, which could lead to potential flooding and river flooding in some provinces, causing significant disruption.

South African Weather Service warns of cold weather conditions

South African Weather Service warns of cold weather conditions

The weather this weekend is expected to be relatively settled, with a small chance of thunderstorms in some eastern provinces on Friday and Saturday. However, conditions will begin to deteriorate on Sunday, 10 December, as a cut-off low manifests itself over the northern parts of the Northern Cape, bringing instability and widespread showers and thundershowers.

The affected provinces are expected to include North West, Free State, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, and to a lesser extent, KwaZulu-Natal. The heavy rainfall is likely to increase the risk of flooding and river flooding in these areas, posing a potential safety and health risk to the public. SAWS has urged the public to monitor and take heed of regular weather updates and warnings issued by the weather service.

The continuous rain is expected to saturate the ground, leading to widespread overland runoff into streams and rivers, ultimately causing an increase in dam levels but also elevating the risk of river flooding and associated road closures and traffic disruption. Disaster management practitioners are advised to maintain a high level of vigilance during this period to mitigate the potential risks posed by the inclement weather.

The cause of the widespread rainy weather is attributed to the combination of three distinct circulation features in the atmosphere over southern Africa. These features include a cut-off low in the upper air of the atmosphere, a surface trough intensifying in sympathy with the deepening upper-air cut-off low, and the introduction of tropically sourced moisture drawn southwards, known to be associated with potentially heavy, widespread rainfall.

The SAWS is closely monitoring the weather system and will continue to issue subsequent updates and impact-based warnings over the next few days. The public has been advised to follow weather forecasts on television, radio, and all social media platforms, with updated information available on the SAWS website as well as their social media accounts.

The public is also urged to refrain from attempting to cross flooded rivers or streams under any circumstances, as this poses a serious risk to their safety. Motorists and pedestrians are advised to exercise caution and to adhere to any road closures and traffic diversions that may be implemented in affected areas to ensure their safety and the safety of others.

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