By Thys Khiba – The Free State Social Development department spokesperson Lindiwe Mnguni has confirmed the department is committed to support and assist the family of Katlego Bereng on Wednesday 26 April.
“The department of Social Development in this incident is responsible for providing psychosocial assistance.
“As soon as we were alerted on the state of the condition of thefamily, we immediately contacted our sister department, which is community safety, roads and transport. Our social workers were immediately dispatched to the family yesterday,” said Mnguni.
Mnguni indicated that the family received psychologicalassistance and support by the departmental social workers on Tuesday.
In addition Mnguni indicated that the department provided the family with the ‘best team’ of social workers and will provide transport to the mortuary for the family to identify the body.
This comes after Bereng’s charred remains were found in convicted killer Thabo Bester’s prison cell 35 at the Mangaung Correctional Centre (MCC).
The family indicated that they have suffered severely as a result of this tragedy and called on the government to assist them with professional mental health assistance.
The family wants answers and have threatened a legal action against the South African government.
Meanwhile, the SA Prisoners Organisation for Human Rights (Sapohr) said the charred remains of Bereng found in Bester’s cell exposed the level of rot in the South Africa’s prisons.
“We are tempted to ask, why did police wait for almost a year to inform the biological mother of this despicable and unthinkable incident… Sapohr’s outcry remains and we still insist on the establishment of an independent judicial commission of inquiry,” said Sapohr spokesperson Golden Miles Bhudu.
Sapohr has called for the dismissal of the Justice and Correctional Services Minister Ronald Lamola and police officials.
“In order for justice to be done for both the bereaved family of the late Katlego Bereng and the country, a mass civil claim should be instituted against both the minister of prisons and the SAPS,”s said Bhudu.
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[…] for killing his stepmother at her… Convicted rapists set themselves free on Freedom Day Social Development department to assist Katlego Bereng family City of Mangaung elects another Mayor Issue 002: Download the latest digital edition of… […]