The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA)’s office located in Mkhondo, previously known as Piet Retief, in Mpumalanga, is back in operation. This news comes following its temporary closure due to an unusual incident involving two of its senior officials.
On the night of 17 April 2024, the office became the site of an unauthorised ritual performed by the mentioned officials, alongside three men, believed to be traditional healers. The act, captured on the office’s security cameras, came to light after staff members reported finding suspicious items, including needles and substances resembling muthi, upon their return to work.
In response to the unsettling discovery, a thorough investigation, including a review of the CCTV footage, was carried out by the office’s senior manager. This prompted urgent actions to address the employees’ concerns and restore the office’s sanctity.
Over the weekend, Lindiwe Ntshalintshali, Mpumalanga’s MEC for Social Development, together with SASSA executives, held a meeting with the office staff to discuss the occurrence. To cleanse the office, a significant cleaning operation was undertaken, encompassing both fumigation and deep cleaning. Additionally, the gathering welcomed local pastors who orchestrated a mass prayer session aimed at spiritually purifying the office environment.
As a result of these remedial actions, the Mkhondo SASSA office was able to resume operations on Monday. The reopening was communicated to the public through a variety of social media channels, ensuring the community was well-informed of the return to normal service provision.
Acknowledging the impact such an event may have on the mental well-being of its staff, SASSA has reiterated its dedication to their continuous support. This includes the provision of counselling services via an established wellness programme, with further counselling available for those who feel the need.
In a bid to bolster morale and reinforce the commitment to service delivery, Dr Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu, Deputy Minister of Social Development, conducted a motivation session with the office officials. She pledged ongoing support to the staff, emphasizing the importance of resilience in the face of adversity.
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