By Thys Khiba – With his recent election as Premier of the Free State, the South African Communist Party (SACP) in the province has expressed their expectations in terms of Premier Mxolisi Dukwana’s State of the Province Address (SOPA) on Tuesday.
On Monday, the SACP indicated that they expect Dukwana to table an action oriented and output driven SOPA with clear monitoring and accountability mechanisms.
Dukwana is also expected to welcome and integrate good aspects of the outgoing executive.
Amongst other issues, the party has called on Dukwana to set out clear immediate and short-term programmes that will improve the lives and living conditions of Free State people.
“The SACP expects a more focused, coordinated, and intensified implementation of government programmes and initiatives, taking into consideration principles of cooperative governance,” said SACP provincial spokesperson Phillip Kganyago.
The party expressed confidence in and their support for Dukwana.
The SACP believe that he is the right leader to steer the service delivery machinery in the province.
“The SACP has confidence that Comrade Dukwana will steer the provincial and local government delivery machinery towards prioritising selfless service to the people, especially the suffering working-class and poor,” said Kganyago.
In their statement, the SACP has also shared their views about the delayed service delivery and struggling municipalities of the Free State.
The party has admitted that municipalities in the province are confronted by various challenges on different fronts.
Prior to his election as the 7th Premier of the province, Dukwana served as the MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta).
“The province must play its role in providing support and capacity enhancement in this area with the aim of turning local government around.
“This requires a decisive political and governmental leadership intervention to rid municipalities of wrong elements and tendencies geared towards restoration of selfless service, mainstreaming of Batho Pele principles and consequence-driven accountability by those given responsibility to lead both political and administrative arms of the government in the province,” Kganyago said.
Kganyago said basic service delivery and maintenance of infrastructure has collapsed several municipalities.
Speaking about unemployment, high cost of living and the provincial economic recovery, Kganyago said Dukwana should also speak about funded initiatives aimed at building the solidarity economy and consider the skills profiles of the unemployed in the province.
“These should be anchored on on supporting cooperatives, SMMEs in various mass-employment sectors; and must include a deliberate intervention supporting and protecting the township economy to ensure internal circulation of money and local commodities within our communities.”
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