CENTRAL NEWS Editorial Analysis on the Current Developments towards ANC’s Free State Provincial Conference
The Free State province is deemed to go to the Provincial Conference of the ANC before the National Conference which is set to sit on the 16th December 2022, with the pace or the way things are unfolding, it seems the province might see the repetition of the 2012 and 2017 story.
In 2012 and 2017 Free State province couldn’t form part of the National Conferences, as the structures said to have been elected were in question towards those conferences and decisions were taken for them not to partake in those conferences.

Will we see that again in this upcoming National Conference?
However, towards every Conference of the ANC, branches will identify, lobby and nominate for their preferred Chairperson candidates for the face of their campaigns and this one which many anticipating for it to sit after what they coin as “20 years of dictatorship” by the former Premier, Provincial Chairperson and the current Secretary General of the ANC Ace Magashule, it is not different as the following have been lobbied for by different branches:
Sefora Ntombela
Mxolisi Dukwana
Thabo Manyoni
Tate Makgoe
The recent developments of the 2 Regional Conferences sat this past weekend shows Mxolisi leading, as it is said the emerged RECs are fully behind him with his staunch supporters being the Chairpersons both of Lejweleputswa with Xolile Toki and Mangaung with Lawrence Mathae.
Though the two Conferences are still in question regarding their legitimacy, as Mangaung had 2 Conferences under its name as what is regarded the disgruntled members hosted their parallel conference to counter the one sat at Imvelo and which according to news is regarded to have been endorsed by IPC which is led by the same Mxolisi Dukwana as its Convener.
What is more funny is that, at the said to be parallel conference we saw some of the IPC members who were in attendance, now it raise the eyebrows whether if it is true was it the IPC’s decision or not and if yes, then we will be watching with a close eye as to what will the IPC do to those members.
In today’s interview the newly elected Regional Chairperson of Lejweleputswa also is captured saying 30 to 36 branches staged a walkout or abstained from partaking in their conference, was the Chairperson trying to saying delegates instead of branches because that will mean the Conference did not meet the required quorum of 54 branches as Lejweleputswa consist of 72 branches and its Conference threshold of 70% is made up of 54 branches?
Hence our question, has the race started or was it a futile exercise? Let’s wait and see.
On the other side, if those conferences are legitimized by the NEC, it will mean the results will look like this as Mxolisi will be leading:
1. Thabo Manyoni : 0
2. Sefora Ntombela: 0
3. Mxolisi Dukwana : 2 (Mangaung and Lejweleputswa)
4. Tate Makgoe : 0
It is also said that Fezile Dabi might be the next region to host its Conference, which is not dominated by any amongst the candidates mentioned above but with the rumour that last week Thursday the born and bred candidates from the same region are said to have met and decided to work together, which might mean then Thabo Manyoni can be the favorite to that Conference as it is said they both agreed to work together and with the incumbent Premier to have agreed to deputize Thabo Manyoni in the chairmanship.
Thabo Mofutsanyane which is seen as a stronghold of Thabo Manyoni is also said to be ready for the Conference, Manyoni officially launched his campaign in that region few weeks ago.
Xhariep is said to be an open one, with the battle that side seen as between Mxolisi Dukwana and Sefora Ntombela which makes it difficult to count it in favor of anyone but the preliminary report which came before, it did not reach the threshold of 70% of successful BBGMs and that makes it difficult to say if it will sit or not before the National Conference.
Central News will keep you updated on all current developments leading towards the provincial conference under the hashtag #roadtoancfsconference
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