President Cyril Ramaphosa Appoints Maropene Ramokgopa as Acting Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture
By Mpho Moloi
President Cyril Ramaphosa has appointed Minister Maropene Ramokgopa to act as the Minister of Sport, Arts, and Culture. This interim assignment will stand until a permanent appointment is made under the newly structured seventh administration.
This decision follows the abrupt resignation of Zizi Kodwa from his ministerial position and as a Cabinet member on Wednesday. Kodwa’s resignation comes in the wake of serious allegations involving around R1.7 million in bribes. He strongly denies the charges and is actively challenging them.
Allegations and Resignation
Kodwa and his co-accused made an appearance in the Palm Ridge Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday, facing corruption charges tied to the state capture inquiry. Both were granted bail set at R30,000 each. Department spokesperson Litha Mpondwana confirmed that Kodwa’s resignation was effective immediately.
“Mr. Kodwa is challenging the charges against him, which he strongly denies. He has informed the President that he will resign as Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture and Member of Cabinet, after being formally charged,” said Mpondwana.
In a public statement, Kodwa expressed gratitude for having had the opportunity to serve. “Mr. Kodwa expresses his sincere appreciation to the President and the governing party for the opportunity to serve the nation. He also thanks all the staff at the Ministry and Department of Sport, Arts and Culture for their dedication and hard work,” he added.
Presidential Response
The Presidency issued a statement on Friday acknowledging Kodwa’s resignation and extending thanks for his service. “President Ramaphosa accepted Minister Kodwa’s resignation and thanked him for his service to the nation in his capacities as Deputy Minister of State Security from 2019 to 2023, and Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture from March 2023,” said the Presidency.
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