National Small Enterprise Amendment Bill
The Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour has called for written submissions on the National Small Enterprise Amendment Bill [B16B – 2023] (sec 76). This bill aims to make significant changes to the National Small Enterprise Act, 1996, in order to provide better support and resources for small businesses and cooperatives.
Some key aspects of the Bill include the establishment of the Small Enterprise Development Finance Agency, the provision of financial and non-financial support services to small enterprises, the establishment of the Office of the Small Enterprise Ombud Service, and the empowerment of the Minister to declare certain unfair trading practices in relation to small enterprises.
Interested parties and stakeholders have been invited to make written submissions on the Bill by no later than 12:00pm on Friday, 16 February 2024. Those who wish to make oral submissions at public hearings can request to do so, but the Committee will ultimately decide on whether to grant this request.
Copies of the Bill are available on the Parliament website, and all correspondence can be addressed to Mr M Rayi, Chairperson: SC on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour. Submissions can be sent to and