President Cyril Ramaphosa Reaffirms Commitment to the Poorest and Most Vulnerable in Society

by centra

In his weekly newsletter, President Cyril Ramaphosa has once again affirmed the South African government’s commitment to investing in the poorest and most vulnerable members of society, even as the country works towards rebuilding the economy.

This affirmation comes as the nation celebrates the life and work of Nelson Mandela during Mandela Month. The President believes that by honing in on Mandela’s vision for a better society, South Africa can begin the process of rebuilding and creating a more inclusive future.

President Ramaphosa proudly acknowledges the substantial social protection programs that the government has implemented.

president cyril ramaphosa

president cyril ramaphosa


These programs have provided vital support to millions of South Africans, helping to lift them out of extreme poverty and meet their basic needs. The President emphasizes that poverty is a hindrance to true freedom, and thus, investing in the poor and vulnerable is crucial for the country’s progress.

The scope of social protection in South Africa goes far beyond the provision of social grants for specific groups. It encompasses the support provided to all South Africans, especially the poor, known as the ‘social wage’.


This includes free access to basic services such as healthcare, education, social housing, transport, and more. The President proudly states that approximately 60% of the government’s budget is allocated to the social wage, excluding debt-servicing costs.

One of the government’s key achievements is funding free basic services for over 11 million households, ensuring that even the poorest have access to electricity, water, sanitation, and other essential services.


A recent assessment by the World Bank highlighted the effectiveness of South Africa’s grant and social assistance systems in mitigating poverty. These programs are targeted and provide substantial benefits to the most vulnerable households in the country.

However, President Ramaphosa acknowledges that social protection alone cannot eradicate poverty and inequality. To truly end poverty, the President emphasizes the need for a growing economy that attracts investment, creates jobs, and nurtures emerging businesses.


It is the President’s conviction that government policies and programs must align to build an inclusive economy while providing social protection to the poor and unemployed.

While recognizing that the expansion of social protection is dependent on the fiscus’s pace and scale, the President assures that the government remains focused on growing the economy and developing sustainable solutions.


“A growing economy provides the funds we need to strengthen our social protection measures, while the support that poor people receive, especially in access to education and health, enables them to better contribute to the economy.

“Through an integrated and comprehensive system of social support, we are not only meeting our collective responsibility to the most vulnerable in society. We are also investing in our country’s future,” he said.




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