Premier Mokgosi: North West Departments Showcase Stronger Financial Controls

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North West Premier Lazarus Kagiso Mokgosi

North West Premier Lazarus Kagiso Mokgosi

North West Premier Lazarus Kagiso Mokgosi has expressed his satisfaction with the notable improvement in the 2023/24 audit outcomes for provincial departments. The results reveal a significant step forward in financial management and accountability across the North West Province, marking a positive shift from the previous year’s performance.

The latest audit cycle, which concluded on 31 March 2024, saw nine out of 12 provincial departments receiving unqualified audit reports, an achievement that demonstrates the province’s dedication to financial integrity. Of these, two departments were awarded clean audits, underscoring the accuracy and reliability of their financial statements. In contrast, only one department received a qualified audit outcome, which still showed progress with a reduction in audit qualification paragraphs.

This marked improvement is a testament to the North West government’s ongoing commitment to “enhancing financial management, accountability, and transparency” within its ranks. The provincial government has made it clear that these results are a reflection of concerted efforts to instill a culture of sound financial practices across all departments and entities.

“We are particularly encouraged by the increase in clean audits and the overall accuracy of our financial statements. These improvements are aligned to our ongoing efforts to build public trust, enhance service delivery and improve the lives of the people of the North West,” Premier Mokgosi stated. His words highlight the direct correlation between robust financial controls and the broader goals of public service and community development.

The provincial government attributed this success to the implementation of new techniques in financial management, introduced over the past year. These techniques involved close collaboration with Chief Financial Officers and financial management officials within the departments, ensuring that all parties were aligned with the province’s fiscal objectives. The results clearly indicate that these efforts are “yielding the desired results.”

The previous audit cycle revealed that the province secured seven unqualified audit outcomes, while five departments were qualified. In response, the provincial government increased its support to these departments, a move that has now proven effective. The “expansion in audit coverage” demonstrates the province’s unwavering commitment to comprehensive financial oversight and accountability.

Premier Mokgosi emphasised that building a capable, ethical, and developmental state is intrinsically linked to maintaining “sound financial management controls.” His administration remains focused on ensuring that all provincial departments adhere to the highest standards of financial governance, a cornerstone of effective public administration.

The Premier also lauded the collaborative efforts of the Provincial Treasury, Provincial Audit Committee, the Auditor General of South Africa, and the dedicated members and chairpersons of portfolio committees. He noted that these key stakeholders have been “instrumental in implementing comprehensive reforms, enhancing financial management, and strengthening oversight mechanisms,” all of which contribute to the province’s positive developmental trajectory.

Premier Mokgosi further pointed out that these reforms have played a crucial role in addressing the root causes of challenges that led to the invocation of Section 100 in the province. The ongoing improvements are not just a reflection of better financial management but also an indication of a government that is responsive and committed to the welfare of its people.

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