Police Minister General Bheki Cele handing over vehicles
Police Minister General Bheki Cele handed over 130 vehicles to the Local Criminal Records Centre (LCRC) of the South African Police Service (SAPS) at a ceremony held at the Pretoria Police Academy. These vehicles are slated to play a pivotal role in enhancing the response time of crime scene experts.
Enhancing Police Capabilities
Speaking at the handover ceremony on Friday, Minister Cele emphasised the strides being made to equip the police force adequately. “We are working very hard to capacitate the organisation,” said Cele. He highlighted that the inclusion of student police officers is part of this comprehensive strategy to strengthen the force.
In explaining the acquisition of these vehicles, Cele mentioned, “We had to go to Parliament, to the Portfolio Committee, to be given permission to purchase this equipment that is supposed to be used by the intelligence world. Our job is to prevent, combat, and investigate.”
Supporting Investigations
These vehicles are expected to significantly aid in police investigations, enabling officers to link suspects to crime scenes through meticulous evidence collection and analysis. The deployment of these vehicles will be across various provinces, ensuring broader coverage and quicker response times.
Operation Vala Umgodi: A Continuing Success
This handover follows the Minister’s previous ceremony last month, where 78 vehicles were handed over to the Illicit Mining task teams, also known as Operation Vala Umgodi. Since its inception in December 2023, Operation Vala Umgodi has achieved notable success, resulting in the arrest of over 6000 suspects and the seizure of uncut diamonds worth R32 million.
Strengthening Public Order Policing Units
In addition to the 130 vehicles for the LCRC, Public Order Policing Units recently received 52 minibuses. These units are crucial in managing large gatherings and protests, ensuring public safety and maintaining order.
By Thabo Mosia
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