NPA Commended for Seizing BOSASA Assets Worth Over R53 Million

by centra
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The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) has received high praise from the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Constitutional Development for its decisive action in seizing assets valued at over R53 million from individuals linked to the BOSASA corruption scandal. Chairperson Xola Nqola commended the NPA’s continued efforts in combatting corrupt activities, emphasising the importance of holding those involved accountable.

Significant Asset Seizure

In a move that marks a significant step forward in the fight against corruption, the NPA has obtained a court order to temporarily restrain the properties, valuables, and vehicles of BOSASA bosses and their families. The assets, collectively worth more than R53 million, include two luxury apartments in north-eastern Italy, valued at an estimated R17 million.

Nqola highlighted the importance of this action, noting that “South Africa has lost millions of rands due to corrupt activities that could have been used for the many challenges that still exist in the country.” He stressed the need for the NPA to expedite the legal process to ensure that these assets are permanently seized and ultimately returned to the state.

Impact of Corruption on South Africa

The BOSASA scandal, as detailed in the Zondo Commission’s findings, revealed extensive corruption involving the company and officials from the Department of Correctional Services. The revelations have underscored the severe impact of corruption on South Africa’s development, with stolen funds that could have supported critical sectors such as health, education, and social grants.

Nqola expressed his dismay at the disparity between the luxurious lifestyles of those implicated in the scandal and the dire conditions faced by many South Africans. “Our people don’t have houses, yet criminals have properties valued at millions, which were likely obtained with money stolen from government,” he remarked.

Continued Support for the NPA

The Portfolio Committee Chairperson also reaffirmed the committee’s full support for the NPA in its pursuit of justice. He urged the authority to continue its efforts to recover stolen funds and ensure that those who benefited from corrupt activities face the consequences. “We want all those who benefitted from this corrupt relationship to know that South Africans want their money back,” Nqola stated, adding, “The committee will fully support [the NPA in its] endeavour to obtain justice for the people of South Africa.”

NPA Commended for Seizing BOSASA Assets Worth Over R53 Million 7

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