Motjhapalong- An idea for which its time has come

by centra
Motjhapalong- An idea for which its time has come

Let me take my hat off and salute the Fezile Dabi #motjhapalong brigades for the conception of what has been and is to be the generational machinery in driving the neccesary ANC resolution of Organizational Renewal and Redesign into the future.

A clarion call amplified by the revolutionary understanding on that the ANC methods and actions should respond to the changing immediate circumstances of our communities. And that the Strategic approach and tactical prowess should be informed by the commitment to enhance the character of the ANC as the only effective tool of Liberation in the hands of our people.

We have proven to be a contigent of capable and skilled ground troopers of the leadership preparatory school of the oldest Liberation movement in Africa, the ANC.

The #motjhapalong generation has an inherent revolutionary right of pursuing the twin tasks of

1- caring for the interests of the youth.

And 2 – rally such youth behind the banner of the African National Congress. A dual move never easy considering the current state of affairs in relation to the intra party politics of the ANC. An ANC engulfed by Factions.

#motjhapalong is argued to be a reloaded call for ‘generational mix’. Though such interpretation may partly be correct, the mandate is actually different.

With ‘generational mix’ the Afrcan National Congress Youth League call for the youth mix within the ANC leadership fell into death ears. Instead the ANC leadership will pick and choose whoever they wanted to be in the mix simply to cause divisions within the ranks of the African National Congress Youth League.

An application of what is known to be the ‘divide and rule principle’. Having learned from our past suffered experiences, the youthful comrades could no more take a chance of entrusting the Old Guards with future considerations on the development of youthful comrades.

Time and time again the ANC has failed the youth of this country, particularly members of the ANCYL.

The ANC leadership failure to recognise the youth leadership abilities, amounted to being a spat on the revolutionary character of the ANCYL.

Since as of its founding, ANCYL is serving as both the leadership preparatory school and the thinking tank of the ANC.

Thus the call for #motjhapalong was conceptualized and pursuit robustly during the 2021 local government elections.

The term on its own is very loaded term. Some interpret it to mean youthful candidates or rather leaders to the front.

Whereas, some understand it to mean ‘motjha – Palong. Which is a call for youth inclusion within the leadership discussions in the ANC.

Hence, the successful push for 25% youth representation within the ANC Councils as of the 2021 elections processes.

The move by #motjhapalong brigades within the regions, provinces and what became the national call, was and continue to be propelled by the ANC leadership tendencies of disregarding the youth at the time of deployments after election seasons. An attitude observed over years.

The Old Guards should learn now to appreciate that, the youthful candidates within all structures, constituencies and overall organizations organs are here to stay. Most importantly, recognize that the hour of the youth has struck.

The youthful candidates pursuing the current generational agenda do so with a clear understanding that, ‘for the new to be born the old have to die’. However, the understanding has continued to be one at which the ANC leadership will voluntarily without a push, prepare to fill in youthful candidates into the development of the organization.

Something which has proved to be of no concern to the ANC leadership. Instead most were on a ‘slaan treg’ or ‘Phuma silwe’ campaign, from which youthful candidates were abused, harrassed and pressured into resigning in order to give space to the Old Ones.

Hopefully, the ANC has learned from the obvious absurding 2021 local government elections results the importance of fielding youthful candidates going into 2024 national elections. A move employed by the opposition parties.

Was #motjhapalong actually about elections? Since the elections season is over what is to happen to the #motjhapalong call?

The understanding should be clear in that, the call for youthful candidates was never a shortsighted push aimed at only being councillors and actively participating within various Municipality’s councils.

But a revolutionary programmatic agenda from which the contest for what is the basic entry onto the face of service delivery was / is an important move. As the

Councillorship served as a low hanging fruit in the overall effort of pursuing a radical change onto how the ANC government is to effectively function.

The ANC government should as a matter of urgency consider deploying youthful MEC’s, Directors, Deputy Directors for the Electoral demographics have for some time now indicated that the youth strata is effectively in majority, however not voting at the time of elections. We need to have ways and means of garning the youth vote.

In closing, It is of paramount importance that all the #motjhapalong forces should at all times note that, all those who have succeeded on changing status quo achieved that social and political change without asking for permission.

However, critical understanding gained is that a revolution is to never be waged out of common sense or emotions. A revolutionary program should be well thought off, guieded and effectively coordinated to be properly positioned and fit to deliver the projected positive proceed.

Lastly, to the current politically conscious generatio. please note that power is never given but taken.

As a matter of fact #motjhapalong is an idea for which its time has come. And its here to stay.


A contribution by Mosotho Seekoei. Am writing on my personal capacity as a member of ANC Aha-sechaba in WARD 11.


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