Missing UFS student Kwandiswa Masibonge Xaba has been found

by centra
Missing UFS student Kwandiswa Masibonge Xaba has been found

University of Free State has confirmed that Kwandiswa Masibonge Xaba, who went missing on 4 June 2022, has been found alive and unharmed. She was found on Sunday 17 July 2022 in Tembisa, Gauteng.

Xaba, a first-year Bachelor of Science student majoring in Mathematics and Chemistry on the Qwaqwa Campus of the University of the Free State (UFS), is from Ladysmith in KwaZulu-Natal.

She was last seen leaving the campus and taking a taxi to an undisclosed location; she was also observed on other video footage in Phuthaditjhaba during the time she was missing.

The university says she is in good health and has been reunited with her family in Ladysmith.

The university management extends its gratitude to the South African Police Service (SAPS), the institution’s Protection Services, and the university community for the role they played in ensuring that Xaba was found.

Missing UFS student Kwandiswa Masibonge Xaba has been found
Missing UFS student Kwandiswa Masibonge Xaba has been found

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