Medium-Term Budget: ‘Nothing but exposing the ANC government’ -Land Party

by Thys Khiba
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The Land Party chief leader Gcobani Ndzongana

By Thys Khiba

The Land Party chief leader Gcobani Ndzongana said the medium-term budget policy statement tabled on 1 November by Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana has exposed President Cyril Ramaphosa’s failure to govern South Africa.

The Land Party urges the ANC to be honest and come forward to the nation and admit that they have failed to govern and they do not have a plan to rescue South Africa out of the Fiscal crisis,” said Ndzongana.

This follows treasury’s maintained stance of fiscal consolidation in the face of a revenue shortfall of R57bn this year and is projecting deep spending cuts of R213bn over the next four years, including 2023/24.

Ndzongana has also criticised the tabled MTBPS by suggestingthat the government has implemented Public Finance Management Act, Public Service Act, Municipality Act and Criminal Procedure Act in a poor manner.

The opposition party, Land Party proposed consequences management for public service officials who are failing to do their job as one of their solutions.

“Consequences management to public service officials who are failing to do their job effectively, advertising frozen posts and capacitate public services implementing special tribunal to deal with long suspensions and corrupt public servants within a 3 months.

Fire all corrupt officials and those accused of corruption with immediate effect. Employ dedicated people, national patriots and people who want to serve their nation more than getting employment,” said Ndzongana.

Speaking about financial management and governance reforms, Godongwana said the government is improving the legislative environment in areas such as financial management and financial governance.

“These reforms will respond to the recommendations of the Zondo Commission, the Mpati Commission, and the Nugent Commission.

“I shortly table an Omnibus Bill for public consultation, which will include key amendments to various pieces of legislation, including the Public Finance Management Act of 1999 (PFMA), Municipal Finance Management Act of 2003 (MFMA) and South African Revenue Service Act (SARS Act),” said Godongwana.

As part of their solutions, the Land Party has urged government to invest in collective farming, local textile and manufacturing of goods to reduce our reliance on imported goods.

“Review our trade agreements and cancel all trade agreements that do not benefit South Africa and its people but benefit other countries and priorities win-win trade partnerships.

“There must be harsh consequences for all government officials who overspend and underspend. Prosecute and trial corrupt officials.”



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