MEC Viola Motsumi announces Wian Landman North West top student

by Thys Khiba
MEC Viola Motsumi announces Wian Landman North West top student

Wian Landman

By Thys Khiba  – North West MEC for Education Viola Motsumi has announced Wian Landman from Potchefstroom Gimnasium in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District as the best performing candidate for the North West Class of 2023 on Friday, on Friday, January 19.

Wian obtained six distinctions and scored 1699 marks in all subjects excluding Life Orientation.

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“Programme Directors, Honourable Premier, ladies and gentlemen, let us give a standing ovation to Wian Landman from Potchefstroom Gimnasium in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District as we invite him to ascend the stage,” said Motsumi.

On a national level, Stellenbosch’s Melissa Muller has been placed number one out of more than 700,000 matric learners who sat for the National Senior Certificate exams in October and November last year.

It has been recorded that the Class of 2023 produced the best matric results in South Africa’s democratic dispensation, with a 82.9% pass rate – which equates to over 572,000 pupils passing their matric exams.

This represented a 2.8 percentage point increase from the 80.1% achieved in 2022.

During the North-West Department of Education’s special gala function for the top students of class of 2023, Motsumi said Potchefstroom Gimnasium with 301 subject distinctions is sitting on position number 1 as the Top Performing School based on highest number of subject distinctions (excluding Life Orientation).

Gimnasium is followed by Rustenburg High School with 308 subject distinctions on number 2 and Wesvalia High School with 203 subject distinctions on number 3.

“To accommodate the small schools, the quality categories have been split into two sub-categories, one with percentages and one with actual numbers,” Motsumi said.

In the second category for top performing schools are schools that achieved the most subject distinctions (80-100%), excluding Life Orientation, Potchefstroom Girls High with 180 distinctions (27,95%) is on position 1.

Girls High is followed by Ferdinand Postma with 97 distinctions (24,19%) on position 2 and Potchefstroom Gimnasium with 301 distinctions (22,84%) on position 3.

“In the third category of top performing schools, which focuses on quality – Admission to Bachelor Degree Studies, the top three schools with the highest percentage of candidates who achieved admission to Degree Studies are:

In Position 3, Wesvalia High School with 116 candidates (91,34%),
Position 2, Ferdinand Postma with 53 candidates (94,64%), and
Position 1 goes to Lighthouse Christian School with 27 candidates (96,43%).

“In the same category are the schools with the highest number of candidates who qualified for admission to Degree Studies; and these are:
Position 3, Potchefstroom Gimnasium with 169 out of its 187 candidates passed with Bachelors,
In position 2, we have B.A Seobi Secondary School with 186 out of 246 candidates attaining Bachelors, and Position 1 goes to Rustenburg High School where 220 of its 301 candidates passed with Bachelors,” Motsumi said.

Schoonspruit High school in Matlosana and Fields College in Rustenburg with 134 candidates who wrote and all of them passed had a tie, followed by Wesvalia in Matlosana with 127 candidates, all passed as the best performing schools.

In the category of underperforming schools (with a pass rate below 70%) in the province, from the 106 underperforming schools of 2022, North West have only 73 in the 2023 results.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are not bluffing when we say that in our quest to reach greater height, we are aiming beyond the sky so that in case we stumble and fall, we fall among the stars.

“Another amazing improvement is demonstrated by the reduction in the number of schools that achieved below 70% pass rate. We are determined to keep the shoulder to the wheel by giving these category of schools the necessary support with a view to gradually reducing their number in 2024 going forward,” said Motsumi.

Before she finishes her speech, Motsumi appreciated all stakeholders including, business people and mining houses, School Governing Bodies and their associations, South Africa Principals Association (SAPA), and organised labour unions for their various forms of invaluable support.

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