ANC Secretary General Fikile Mbalula has issued a public apology to veteran party member Mavuso Msimang, who has now withdrawn his resignation from the party.
“The SG regrets that he made comments that impugned the integrity of Cde Msimang, suggesting that he was vulnerable to taking a bribe from a newly established political formation, or, for that matter, any other source.” said ANC Spokesperson Mahlengi Bhengu – Motsiri
Mbalula’s statement comes after a demand from Msimang for him to retract his comments and accusations, and to do so soon. Mbalula has also claimed that Msimang will be joining the new organization formed by Roger Jardine.
The Secretary General has further accused ANC veterans, including Msimang, of being bribed with a lot of money to leave the ANC and join Jardine’s Party.
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