Matlosana municipality admits water contamination in Klerksdorp

by Thys Khiba

By Thys Khiba – On Thursday, Matlosana Local Municipality has admitted and confirmed the quality of water in some parts of the municipality has been contaminated and Midvaal Water Company has increased the Chlorine doses to disinfect the water.

This comes after Free State Central News reported a concerned resident of Khuma township near Stilfontein in the Matlosana Local Municipality who suffered from diarrhoea due to allegedly contaminated water blamed the local municipality for his health condition.

“My brother, I have been in and out of the toilet and bathroom due to a running stomach. Our municipality doesn’t care about our health and wellness,” concerned resident explains.

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Matlosana municipality admits water contamination in Klerksdorp 7

This comes after the department of health in the North West confirmed more than 36 residents and staff members were treated due to alleged contaminated water at Stilfontein local health facilities.

The municipal told media the investigations conducted by Midvaal Water Company, regarding the water quality in Orkney, Kanana, Khuma and Jouberton revealed that the microbiological quality of water in the Vaal River has demonstrated sever spike concentrations of caliform bacteria of >24 200 MPN\100mL and that has placed pressure on the disinfection process at the treatment plant.

“However the City together with Midvaal Water Company has appointed a team of experts to work tirelessly on normalising the quality of water in Matlosana not later than next week Friday, 21 October 2022,” said the municipality in a statement.

Residents are advised to continue taking precautionary measures such as boiling water before drinking and practice safety measures of frequently washing their hands with soap and water.

“We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused by heat wave and reaffirm that the Municipality is still committed in providing its Citizens with clean, quality water.”


Midvaal Water Company Acting CEO, Matshediso David Dikoko confirmed The investigation was triggered by a complaint received from the municipality on the 29 September 2022.

“In essence, some residents were alleging that there were worms in the water from their taps in Kanana whilst there were claims of “brown” water in Khuma,” said Dikoko.

Water Company Senior Manager and Operations together with the Production Manager made several requests for actual addresses where these alleged cases were located as part of the investigation.

“It was only on the 02 October 2022 that an address was provided by the municipality whilst a visit was undertaken to Khuma on the next day.”

According to Dikoko, there is no contamination of water on the Midvaal Water Company side.

“There were traces of contamination at Khuma Reservoir/pump station. In short, the issue is/was within the Khuma distribution network,” said Dikoko.

Midvaal Water Company indicated interventions were made by their team and the water quality of the Khuma Reservoir is compliant since 07 October 2022.

“It is material that we point out that neither coloured water nor worms were submitted to enable analysis and identification, respectively, to the Midvaal Water Company.

Midvaal Water Company did experience challenges with the presence of total coliform bacteria due to spiked microbiological activity in the Middle Vaal River associated with the heat wave. However, neither “brown” water nor worms were detected in any of the bulk reservoirs.”



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