Masechaba Sesing – Free State Treasury is not your personal fiefdom

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Masechaba Sesing – Free State Treasury is not your personal fiefdom
Opinion by Kamohelo Teele : Recent allegations of corruption and power abuse reported in several publications and media houses against Free State  Treasury Head of Department Masechaba Sesing suggests that the Department is spearheaded by narcissistic, power obsessed individual who thinks she is above the constitution of the republic which is supreme.

I am writing this article at the backdrop of media allegations that the HOD Masechaba Sesing has turned Free State Treasury into her personal fiefdom, uses intimidation
tactics, force and abuses her power to deal with those she dislikes.

In addition, her arrogance and perceived personal delusion of grandeur, projecting herself as holy and untouchable, abusing her position as the HOD.

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I will demonstrate this in the later part of my article, for now I will explicate on the executive functions of the HOD to establish a base for my submissions.

The Free State Provincial Government under former Free State Premier Sisi released media statement on 2 September 2022 announcing that in terms of Section 12 of the Public Service Act 103 of 1994 the appointment of Sesing as the new HOD for Treasury.

One of the duties and functions of the Head of Department is to ensure that policy direction, leadership, and strategic management are provided in accordance with legislation, regulations, and policies, as well as to ensure that adequate support services are provided for all other programs and to promote the implementation and compliance of Municipalities and Public Entities.

Premier and EXCO’s stance on corruption

Mxolisi Dukwana, the new Free State Premier, told the media after being sworn in on February 24 that officials who have pending corruption accusations against them and those who are attending court cases will be investigated as one of the new administration’s top objectives.

Dukwana announced in the 2023 State of the Province Address that a new Fraud and Corruption Task Team will be formed to bring together key stakeholders such as the Office of the Auditor-General, Public Protector, Public Service Commission, criminal justice system, and key provincial departments such as the Office of the Premier, Provincial Treasury, and COGTA to drive the government’s anti-corruption program. At the end of the last PFMA audit cycle, various investigations across provincial departments were still active. The Premier emphasized that these investigations must be completed, and suggestions adopted. In addition, an immediate evaluation of the vetting status of procurement authorities will be done.

The Premier emphasized that all public authorities, whether elected representatives or public workers at all levels of government, will be compelled to fully collaborate with and assist law enforcement agencies’ activities. Finally, he stated that government shall provide a clear instruction on issues concerning the arrest of public officials, such as the payment of legal bills, suspension, and disciplinary proceedings.

Corruption allegations against Provincial Treasury HOD Masechaba Sesing

Firstly, Treasury HOD is investigated by Chapter 9 institution, the office of the Public Protector and the Public Service Commission for alleged corrupt practices regarding the recruitment of a senior employee in her department where she allegedly colluded with the department’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) regarding the appointment of a top official earmarked to oversee fiscal policy.

On 28 May 2023 Sunday World publication reported as seen in the letter from Public Service Commission thatCFO of Provincial Treasury colluded with the HOD Sesing by telling her the selection panel had recommended a candidate the HOD did not prefer. The HOD immediately called two other panel members and instructed them to reconvene and reconsider their decision. The publication reported that the panel, because of the interference from the finance boss, changed their initial recommendation and scrapped the process that had already been finalised.


The PPSA is investigating Sesing for allegedly extending a provincial banking contract with Standard Bank. This relates to the backdating of Standard Bank’s provincial banking contract extension.

In addition, there are allegations that she has appointed unconstitutionally a member of her church congregation Sandile Mofokeng as IT Intern. A clear case of nepotism and using state resource to advance personal interests at the cost of deserving youth, majority which are galivanting the streeets due to structural unemployment amongst other social ills in our society.


Free State Treasury HOD ‘appoints’ her church members

As a result, Sesing wrote a scathing letter as reported by Sunday world to Public Service Commission Chair Dr Somadoda Fikeni that the PSC is not a state organ and does not have the jurisdiction to investigate her for alleged misdemeanours. She has projected herself as a Demi God of the Free State Provincial Treasury undermining an institution established to defend constitutional democracy. Every human being, public servants included – our conduct and actions are bound by the constitution, no one is above the constitution and the rule of law that is why we have supremacy of the constitution as an important founding value of the constitution.

The Public Service Commission (PSC) was constituted in accordance with Section 196 of the Republic of South Africa’s Constitution of 1996. The Commission’s functions are as follows: to promote the constitutionally prescribed values and principles governing public administration in the public service; to investigate, monitor, and evaluate the public service’s organization and administration, as well as its personnel practices; to investigate grievances of public service employees concerning official acts or omissions, and to recommend appropriate remedies; to monitor and investigate adherence to applicable procedures in the public service.

Masechaba Sesisng has wittingly suspended Chief of Staff in the office of the MEC Murendeni Ndanduleni on vexatious, frivolous, baseless grounds to prove a point and orchestrated vilification machinery to silence him, removing him from the base of Treasury. In addition, she has evoked the suspension without following due process to delegitimize his professional standing – a clear abuse of power and excessive delusion of grandeur at the expense of committed and dedicated public servants like Ndanduleni.


The complaints by anonymous individuals to the chapter 9 institutions regarding the unpalatable conduct of the HOD confirms public allegations that she is feared and even the silence of the Premier who is the Executive Authority of the Province in terms of the constitution is alarming. On the 26 July 2023 the Free State Treasury communications led by Tshidiso Mokoakoane as Director issued out a media statement on the official Facebook page condemning attacks against the HOD, the conduct of the entire communication directorate is unprecedented. The communications machinery of the Provincial treasury belongs to the state and should perform constitutional functions of the department not being turned into a machinery to defend a cult masquerading as an HOD.

Finally, I wish to categorically state my view that the Premier should exercise his constitutional prerogative and place the HOD on precautionary suspension so that investigations can take place. Whilst we subscribe to the legal maxim of presumption of innocence until proven guilty, I believe suspension is the suitable remedy in the spirit of fairness and administration of justice.

My two cent advice to all Youth Development Officers in our municipalities - Kamohelo Teele

Kamohelo Teele

Kamohelo Teele is a Disability Rights Youth Activist, he writes on his personal capacity.

The views Expressed Here Are Not Those of Central News 


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