by Editor

As of today (Friday, 9 April 2021) the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases for South Africa is 1 556 242.

ProvinceTotal cases for 09 April 2021Percentage total
Eastern Cape195 61012,6
Free State84 2245,4
Gauteng416 70426,8
KwaZulu-Natal334 92521,5
Limpopo63 3564,1
Mpumalanga75 9334,9
North West64 6154,2
Northern Cape36 8692,4
Western Cape284 00618,2
Total1 556 242100,0

Testing Data:

The number of tests conducted to date is 10 086 459. Of these 30 560 tests were completed since the last report.

SectorTotal tested New tested 
PRIVATE5 667 62156%16 16053%
PUBLIC4 418 83844%14 40047%
Total10 086 459 30 560 

Deaths and Recoveries

Today, 53 more COVID-19 related deaths have been reported: Eastern Cape 0, Free State 12, Gauteng 11, KwaZulu-Natal 2, Limpopo 2, Mpumalanga 0North West 0, Northern Cape 10 and Western Cape 16, which brings the total to 53 226 deaths. We convey our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health care workers who treated the deceased.

Our cumulative recoveries today stand at 1 481 637, representing a recovery rate of 95%.

ProvinceTotal DeathsTotal RecoveriesActive Cases
Eastern Cape11 373183 985252
Free State3 71778 9121 595
Gauteng10 407403 9052 392
KwaZulu-Natal10 265318 9295 731
Limpopo2 24360 872241
Mpumalanga1 35973 751823
North West1 52660 6342 455
Northern Cape84033 1012 928
Western Cape11 496267 5484 962
Total53 2261 481 63721 379

Vaccination Rollout

The number of health care workers vaccinated under the Sisonke Protocol is 288 368 as reported at 18:30 today.

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