It is now 10 years since a young activist Andries Tatane lost his life after being beaten and shot with rubber bullets during a service delivery protest in Meqheleng Ficksburg.
Seven police officers who were accused were found not guilty in March 2013, The regional magistrate, Hein van Niekerk found that Andries Tatane was a violent protester and obstructed police on their duties.
Andries Tatane left behind two sons who are currently studying, his wife died in a car in Lesotho in 2017.
As the community of Meqheleng, Ficksburg in Free State remembers Andries Tatane, “it is sad that nothing much has changed as far as service delivery is concerned.” And one of the other concerning service delivery issues is the failure of Setsoto Municipality to provide clean, running tap water to all residents.
The municipality’s financial state has been reported as deteriorating. It collects far less than it spends, several capital projects have stalled due to a lack of funds.
The family of Andries Tatane spokesperson Seipati Tatane says “The sad part is that even what he died fighting for has not happened, we are still suffering in terms of service delivery. I would be happy if something better can happen for the community in memory of Andries Tatane. We know he loved teaching pupils, he loved to witness the success of youngsters. If they can open Mathematics and Science labs just to assist the community, I would be happy.”
“Rome was not built in one day. You should also remember that we are still trying to fix these things, but the problem is also when the municipality doesn’t have money. “We can’t fix everything; it’s a long time, 10 years. We tell them every blessed day to pay their bills. We try to fix the pipes but maybe two to three months later, the community steal the pipes,” said Local Ward Councillor Connie Matsobako.
Mbulelo Mtshilibe
Free State Central News