OPINION PIECE BY MASIBONGWE SIHLAHLA – For many youth growing up having a filmstar or some famous musician as a role model their lives is quite common. Kids want to imitate their stars or rolemodels, but so many of these stars are caught out in unethical and sometimes even criminal behaviour.
That’s always the risk when your star or rolemodel is based on a movie or song he/she is famous for. Many youth used Oscar Pistorius as a rolemodel or star in their lives and he is currently sitting in jail for killing his girlfriend.
As a younger person I have always been filled with the notion of making life better for those around me if it is within my power or limited means. As a primary school learner already I would always naturally be an advocate for learners when they have issues and take it forward with the teachers on their behalf. At high school my desire to make a difference became more formalised and I was the chairperson of the local school branch of COSAS a student leadership development organisation with a strong socio poltical slant.
Its whilst at school a teacher used to bring me the Sunday Times that I saw prominent articles about the economic upliftment Dr Iqbal Survé was doing, a vision he shared with Madiba. As a youngster two people dominiated my worldview and that was Madiba and Dr Iqbal Survé and the reason was they both were selfless humanbeings uplifting those around them without wanting anything back in return. These two people are like tides they lift all boats in the water to greater heights.
Madiba became a lawyer to uplift those around him and make a substantive contribution to society and Dr Iqbal Survé has this quality and desire in common with Madiba.
I unashamedly and boldy recommend to any youth in South Africa use these two giants as your rolemodel. Both these sons of Africa has put both their wealth and liberty on the line in pursuit of their goals of a better life for all.
So when I state boldly and unashamedly that I want to be like Dr Iqbal Survé I state it with the greatest sincerety as I would love all youth to have a role model in their lives to inspire them and to use as a guide in their daily lives.
The reason I say so is that I know that Dr Iqbal Survé that Dr Iqbal Survé has a passion for excellence and in this regard he is like Madiba too who always insisted on doing the best in everything you do.
Another characteristic of Dr Iqbal Survé is his boldness and fearlessness in the face of adversity. He stood up to the banks much to the delight of the common man who is so often bullied by the banks with their high-powered lawyers and their deep pockets to drag the poor man into the courts.
Dr Iqbal Survé has not feared to make unpopular decisions based on principal, he fired one of his editors due to insubordination but mostly because of the disrespect shown to one of our icons and that is Madiba.
In Dr Iqbal Survé a man with impeccable struggle credentials who treated victims of the riot police at a time when Vlakplaas was operating their death squads killing anybody they suspect as contributing to the anti-Apartheid struggle.
Dr Iqbal Survé did not want to start a business to enrich himself or as a vehicle for self-aggrandizement but to sincerely empower the ordinary man in the street economically as he knows that poverty degrades people and he Dr Iqbal Survé wants to uplift people to make them the leaders they are in the lives the live to make this country achieve its potential for the first time in its 300 year history where the black man was always seen as cheap labour for the advantage of international capital.
As a powerful business leader it is amazing to me to see his humanity, how he would be the first to say sorry . Those who interact with him daily tells me how he often wanders around amongst his staff to see for himself the work conditions etc his staff encounters.
In my talks also with those who interacts daily with Dr Iqbal Survé one of the things which really stands out for me is when many people tell me although having been subjected to the most shocking insults in the media for standing up to the banks, Dr Iqbal refuses to descend to the level of his poltical enemies and continue to manage his subordinates always in a manner that protects and enhances their dignity. There is a whole group of enemies of the people who has made an occupation out of slandering Dr Iqbal Survé as he has the vison to empower the victims of Apartheid economically and to to remain hewes of wood and drawers of water for international capital. Billions of profits are made daily but the workers end up with only crumbs in their pockets and retire with nothing to show for it, it takes a visionary and a real life hero to make a difference. That calls for boldness and fearlessness. In researching once again about Dr Iqbal Survé amongst those who know him well as I wanted to know where does his abilty to be so bold and fearless in the face of oppression of our people comes from , I find he gets his strength from his faith, a faith based upon justice for all and Dr Iqbal knows that there can be no peace without justice, there can be no real freedom without justice.
Let us all join Dr Iqbal Survé in his fight for justice and be imbued with the same spririt of his.
Masibongwe Sihlahla
Indepedendent Writer/Political Analyst
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1 comment
What a great article i wish many a youth will instead of taking Holywood actors as their stars when we have real leaders in our country to take as stars or role models to base our lives upon.