Higher Education directed to submit skills fund report 

by centra
The Department of Higher Education and Training is expected to soon release the revised National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) Funding Eligibility and Terms and Conditions for 2022.

The Standing Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA) has issued a firm directive to the Department of Higher Education and Training to submit the investigation report into the National Skills Fund (NSF) in the next 10 days.

The forensic investigation was recommended by SCOPA following disclaimed audit outcomes from the Auditor-General.

During a meeting on Tuesday, the committee was expecting an update and a report on the investigation.

However, the department only presented a summary of the report and argued that the report could not be shared with the committee due to sensitivities and people’s names mentioned in the report.

The department claimed that sharing the report could compromise and expose it to litigation.

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SCOPA Chairperson, Mkhuleko Hlengwa

SCOPA Chairperson, Mkhuleko Hlengwa, said the committee does not agree with the sentiment that the report cannot be revealed because it contains people’s names.

“Can we please get the report in the next 10 days and we will engage further after that. Once we have received the report, we will consider it accordingly,” Hlengwa said.

Hlengwa said the committee has vested interest in the report because the investigation arose out of disclaimers, which were of “very serious concern to us”. – SAnews


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