By Thys Khiba – A 38-year-old man from Khotsong Township in Bothaville has been sentenced to life imprisonment, after he was found guilty of raping his aunt by the Bothaville Magistrates’ Court.
A man from Khotosong Township, who cannot be named to protect the identity of the victim, was sentenced for raping his 58-year-old relative on 31 December 2019.
The Free State National Prosecuting Authority NPA spokesperson Phaladi Shuping indicated that the accused and complainant were drinking at a tavern when they decided to go to the house of the girlfriend of the accused together.
Along the way, the accused turned against the complainant, threatened her, assaulted, and raped her.
“The accused left the complainant at the scene with injuries to her eye and chest. She walked to a nearby house and stayed there until the following morning, when she went to report the matter to the police and the accused was arrested.”
Magistrate Bassie Mahlatsi said that the only appropriate sentence the court can impose on the accused is life imprisonment, which is a minimum sentenced prescribed by law.
The accused’s defence was that of bare denial, as he denied that he raped the complainant.
In aggravation, the State Prosecutor, Makokwe presented a victim impact statement (VIS) that was facilitated by Khantse Skhosana.
The incident left the victim with no trust for men in her family.
In the VIS, the complainant stated that she no longer trusts men, even in her family, because she was assaulted and raped by a man from within her family.
The complainant further said that she has lost her dignity because there are community members who know that she was raped by her family member.
Prosecutor Makokwe requested the court to impose life imprisonment on the accused, because she failed to advance any substantial and compelling circumstances for imposition of a lesser sentenced.
“The complainant trusted the accused, hence she walked with her at night, but he betrayed that trust by raping her.
“She was raped by a person who grew up in front of her and he did not even show remorse.
“The accused was out on parole when he committed this offence and the court should not show any mercy in imposing a sentence on him”, said Makokwe.
The NPA applauded the good work done by Makokwe and the investigating officer in ensuring that the accused is punished for his criminal acts.
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