Ramokgopa on Eskom
Minister in the Presidency for Electricity, Dr Kgosientsho Ramokgopa has announced a three-week hiatus from loadshedding, attributing this reprieve to a combination of diligent planning and execution by both Eskom and governmental bodies. During a press briefing on the ongoing implementation of the Energy Action Plan, Ramokgopa heralded this period as a turning point in the country’s battle against power cuts.
“The kind of progress that we are seeing today is largely as a result of the exceptional work that has been done by the team at Eskom. We are turning the corner and making significant strides to ensure that finally we get to see the back of load shedding. Of course, we are not yet out of the woods,” Ramokgopa asserted, tempering optimism with a note of caution regarding the road ahead.
Highlighting the tangible outcomes of the Energy Action Plan and the Generation Operational Recovery Plan, Ramokgopa indicated a remarkable improvement in the Unplanned Capacity Loss Factor (UCLF) – a critical measure of power system reliability. “From a baseline of May [2023], where we were sitting at about 18 000MW, we are bringing it down. We want to maintain that…even bring it sub-13 000MW but it’s a function of a steady, orchestrated and deliberate effort on the part of Eskom,” he confidently stated.
Despite these advances, the Minister was quick to underscore the ongoing challenges and the unpredictability inherent in energy management. “I must emphasise that in the nature of this space, you are likely to have setbacks. We are making the kind of progress that, in many instances, far exceeds where we thought we will be, but we are not yet where we want to be,” he noted, stressing the importance of continuous improvement and vigilance.
Among the promising developments, Ramokgopa highlighted the burgeoning role of renewable energy, propelled by state-led reforms and incentives. He underscored the commitment to a greener energy transition, which is already manifesting through significant contributions from renewable energy projects. “When we are out of this load shedding situation, we will still encourage people to rollout rooftop solar solutions because we want to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and we want to ensure that households, small and large industries contribute to this green transition we have committed to,” the Minister elaborated.
Looking ahead, Ramokgopa painted a hopeful picture of the immediate future with several key generating units poised to come back online. He outlined a specific timeline for the recovery of critical assets including Unit 4 of Medupi Power Station and Koeberg Unit 2, along with the synchronization of Kusile Power Station Unit 6, collectively expected to bolster the national grid by an additional 2580MW in the coming months.
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