By Thys Khiba – Free State Department of Economic, Small Business Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs (Destea) MEC Makalo Mohale is expected to interact with township businesses and unemployed graduates of Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality on Monday and Tuesday at 09:00 in Tshiame A (Stadium) near Harrismith and Makeneng, Qwaqwa.

This follows the commitment made by the department that it will assist SMMEs with necessary business skills. This includes crafting business plans, and access to local and global markets.
“The main objective of this intervention is not only to reboot enterprises but also in the face of triple challenges of poverty, inequality, and unemployment; to encourage them to start viable businesses and create jobs,” said Mohale.
Mohale indicated it is crucial to have an interactive session to assess the state of affairs on the ground and provide necessaryinterventions including assistance to access the markets forMaluti a Phofung Local Municipality as one of the disadvantaged local municipalities in the Thabo Mofutsanyana District.
“MEC Mohale will engage with inter alia the following business sector: salons, tuckshops, fashion designers, agro-processors, and logistics. This will go a long way in resuscitating townships businesses in uplifting and supporting local businesses,” said departmental spokesperson Tiisetso Makhele.
Meanwhile, Mohale is expected to have interactive session with unemployed graduates of Economic and Management Sciences, Science and Technology, and Engineering.
“…will also re-launch the program of placing graduates at different small businesses for practical experience and render much-needed services such as marketing, bookkeeping, and technical support to these small enterprises.”
In the Local Economic Development and Transformation Bill proposed by the department, it is observed on business regulation that tuckshops do not have zoning certificates.
Most of the shops are being operated by foreigners whose Asylum Seeker Temporary Visa Certificates allow them to work and study, and yet they operate shops.
The department suggested that economic activities should be reserved for citizens and persons with permanent residency status.
“Local Municipality shall maintain quotas for ownership of not more than 20% of foreign ownership, or such percentage as the responsible Member may prescribe from time to time by regulations, when issuing business permits,” the Bill states.
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